Concrete Trucks Mixers and Trucks – Safety Tips

The demand for ready-to-mix concrete has increased significantly in the last few years. That resulted in the invention of the concrete trucks mixers. Powerful machines used for mixing sand and gravel with water in order to form ready-to-use concrete. The most important part of the concrete truck is actually the drum, the place where the concrete is made. You can find drums that come on their own, but when combined with a truck you get a portable and powerful concrete-making machine. Now, you should also know that most of the accidents reported from the concrete industry happened in the presence of a concrete truck mixer. That calls for an attention! When it comes to operating a concrete truck mixer, you need to follow certain safety tips in order to avoid terrible accidents. You might need some of the following safety tips, if you plan to buy concrete trucks in Australia.

Concrete Trucks

  • Never ever empty the pump with bare hands, while the motor is still on. Don’t just assume that you are safe simply because the remote is off. You can not be 100% sure that you won’t accidentally press the remote button and turn the machine on. This kind of mistake can cost your life. Accidental amputations during work happen due to this kind of negligence.
  • While you search for a reliable concrete trucks Australia sites, try to remember that your investment needs proper care and maintenance. Once you make the deal, make sure to always take your concrete mixer truck for a routine maintenance and service. That way you will prolong the life span of your concrete truck and increase the performance of the same.
  • Make sure you thoroughly read the owner’s manual before you even start the machine. You must know your machine, if you want to serve you well for years.
  • Remember not to place body parts inside the lubrication box, outlet valve or hopper. Every time you are done with the machine, turn the motor off, remove the key and ensure all pressures have come to zero before you place your hands near the moving parts.
  • Serious injuries can happen if concrete hoses get clogged. Damaged hoses can cause burns, property damage or even death in some cases. You can avoid all that if you regularly inspect the concrete hoses, reducers, elbows, clamps and replace the damaged equipment in times of needs.
  • If you want to protect your investment, then make sure you regularly change hydraulic oils, filters, fluid oils, motor oil and other vital fluids for your concrete mixer truck. It is important to replace or repair hoses, fittings, filters, nut bolts or other parts immediately, in order to avoid injuries and expensive costs.

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