Far Infrared Saunas Explained

Far Infrared Sauna For Sale

Saunas can be a relaxing and healthy environment, but we all know that public saunas are not that sanitary. They are filled with strangers sweat and fumes and can be a nightmare for a germaphobe. So what’s the solution to this enigma, should you avoid saunas all together ? Actually, no. There is another option, why not bring the sauna to your home. Portable saunas give you your own personal sauna that you can set up anywhere at your home or private business. And you can also find far infrared sauna for sale in Australia (but more on that below).

There are two main types of saunas; fabric cabinets and wooden dome saunas. They differ in construction, positioning, comfort amongst other things.

Fabric-Enclosed Cabinet Saunas

Fabric cabinet saunas have the shape of a box or tent, they are made from fabric which makes them extremely light weight. Their construction consists of 3 zippers, one for the used to get inside, and two additional smaller zippers for the users hands. On the inside of the tent there is a sitting platform, and at the top of the tent is a hole for the head (which remains outside the sauna).

The main disadvantage of fabric saunas is the gasses released from the fabric when it gets heated up. Things such as the fire retardant and fabric lining burn from the heat and release gasses into the air that can be smelled and inhaled.

Wooden Sauna Domes

Far infrared sauna for sale

Unlike the cabinets dome saunas have a tube capsule shape and are used laying down. They cover your body from your shoulders down to the tips of your toes. They are made with wood that’s lined with special materials to give a nice smooth finish. One of the special benefits is the far infrared sauna for sale in Australia. This special type of dome portable sauna has quality carbon hearts installed over its entire surface.

One thing to consider about the domed saunas is weather or not you can get inside them. While there are both ground and table models, if you have major back pains or problems, this might prove to be a difficult task. Also a warning for anyone with claustrophobia, this is an enclosed space, if you feel that you might get a panic attack, make shorter rounds.

Advantages of Portable Saunas

Some of the main advantages are the portability and storage of these saunas. You can not only move them around, but also compactly store them in your closet or attic. They will not be permanently placed into your home recreation room or bathroom.

Another advantage is the fact that you can have your head outside and away from the heat of the sauna. This will allow you to breath clean, room temperature air.

These types of saunas are also very cheap to use and uphold. Mainly because they don’t heat the entire room but instead only your body. And cleaning is quite easy as on some domes the front bit can move, and on cabinets you can simply unzip them.

Plus you are sure that you’re the only one (or your family) that is using them. So there is no stranger danger when it comes to germs.

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